Homestead 安装配置教程?

vagrant box 的hometead.box安装好了没问题,
使用 git clone

git clone Homestead

Homestead git:(master) ✗ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'homestead-7' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> homestead-7: Checking if box 'laravel/homestead' is up to date...
==> homestead-7: There was a problem while downloading the metadata for your box
==> homestead-7: to check for updates. This is not an error, since it is usually due
==> homestead-7: to temporary network problems. This is just a warning. The problem
==> homestead-7: encountered was:
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7: Illegal characters found in URL
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7: If you want to check for box updates, verify your network connection
==> homestead-7: is valid and try again.
==> homestead-7: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--provision`
==> homestead-7: flag to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still run.

使用vagrant provision

vagrant provision
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: file...
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: inline script
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: inline script
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: inline script
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: /var/folders/8j/wsmdl1p5003__pt5gdchl3d40000gn/T/
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: script: Creating Certificate:
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: script: Creating Site:
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: script: Checking for old Schedule
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: script: Restarting Nginx
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: script: Creating MySQL Database: homestead
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: script: Creating Postgres Database: homestead
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: script: Clear Variables
==> homestead-7: Running provisioner: shell...
    homestead-7: Running: script: Update Composer
==> homestead-7: Updating to version 1.4.1 (stable channel).
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7:  Downloading: Connecting...
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7:  Downloading: 100%
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7: Failed to decode response: zlib_decode(): data error
==> homestead-7: Retrying with degraded mode, check for more info
==> homestead-7:  Downloading: Connecting...
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7:  Downloading: 100%
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7:   [ErrorException]
==> homestead-7:   zlib_decode(): data error
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7: self-update [-r|--rollback] [--clean-backups] [--no-progress] [--update-keys] [--stable] [--preview] [--snapshot] [--] [<version>]
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.

找了很多文档搜索 找不到原因

《L04 微信小程序从零到发布》
《G01 Go 实战入门》
从零开始带你一步步开发一个 Go 博客项目,让你在最短的时间内学会使用 Go 进行编码。项目结构很大程度上参考了 Laravel。
讨论数量: 4


$  cd ~/Homestead && vagrant up
Bringing machine 'homestead-7' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> homestead-7: Checking if box 'laravel/homestead' is up to date...
==> homestead-7: There was a problem while downloading the metadata for your box
==> homestead-7: to check for updates. This is not an error, since it is usually due
==> homestead-7: to temporary network problems. This is just a warning. The problem
==> homestead-7: encountered was:
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7: Couldn't open file /lt-homestead-0-6-0-2016122800/metadata.json
==> homestead-7:
==> homestead-7: If you want to check for box updates, verify your network connection
==> homestead-7: is valid and try again.
==> homestead-7: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--provision`
==> homestead-7: flag to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still run.
6年前 评论

我也是使用vagrant provision,遇到了你这个问题,请问你最终怎么解决的呢

6年前 评论



vim -b ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/laravel-VAGRANTSLASH-homestead/metadata_url


:set noeol



5年前 评论

这个貌似是php错误的问题,php.ini中未开启 zlib_decode() ,需编辑 php.ini 中
zlib.output_compression = On
zlib.output_compression_level = 5

4年前 评论
